Month: January 2011

  • Having a dream… that’s nice

    I really like this song… it’s beautiful… I think you can never let go of your dreams… weather you are a child or grandmother… you can always have a dream…



    I, I once had a dream.

    Though it is ragged, from tear and being cast aside

    It was a dream I treasured deep within myself.

    Even at times, when I did not understand

    the scornful smiles dripped behind my back,

    I had to bear it. I could endure it. For that day.

    They always speak as though concerned

    That unlikely dreams are poisonous

    That the world is an irrevocable reality, a book with a fixed ending

    Yes, I have a dream. I believe in that dream. Heed me over time and see.

    I will boldly face that wall called fate, which stands so coldly before me.

    One day, rise above that wall and fly high into those skies.

    This heavy world will not bind me down.

    At that time, at the end of my life when we can smile together

    Be with me.





  • 2010 in review

    Ahh… another year is over…  I am getting older… sigh… this is depressing!  

    I thought to jot down some of my top memorable things of 2010

    1) NYC trip – finally got to actually see New York!  It was a blast!  I can’t wait to go back

    2) UIC reunion Caribbean Cruise – I love you guys!  I hope that we keep efforts to make this regular!

    3) Discovery of arm warmers… I love them… so many cute ones!  I can’t stop at just one …or 8! yikes!

    4) Moving out of the U-District!  Finally!  I finally feel like I am growing up!  Now I am living in a grown up neighborhood!  ^_~

    5) Bootcamp!  It was hard… had a little fun…lost weight…sadly gained it back… but it was definitely a experience!  I can’t wait to go back next spring!

    6) Investing in a nice bed…I can’t believe I waited this long… such nice sleep!

    7) Packing lunch!  I never thought I could keep this up, but for most of 2010, I have been bring lunch to work… I love it!  i will never go back to eating expensive icky hospital cafeteria food!

    8) New addition to the family!  Finally we have a little one added to our Lee-Kim family!  My cousin Sarah had her baby in August and its our family first!  I can’t wait for another one!  Oh so many cute baby things to buy!

    9) gilt!  Oh you are so bad for my wallet!  shame on you for tempting me with so many designer goods!

    10) Dessert Truck Tuesdays!  How I love thee Street Treats!  Make your own ice cream sandwiches?  Homemade cookies and organic ice cream?  Oh heaven! (BTW: recommended by a nutritionist!  honest! ^_^)

    11) Green is cool!  In my hair that is!  I’ve never gotten so many compliments on my hair in my life!  Old and young, men and women… my ego was in cloud 9 in the past 2 months…

    12) Crispy korean chicken wings… I made it!  Of course with help of my friends.  It made me wish for a deep fryer…  

    13) I learned I can survive with just one TV.  Well, its because I have a laptop to download korean drama.  But I miss not having a TV in my bedroom…

    14) Being in a sports team is fun!  I loved playing softball this summer.  I hope my work has another league next year!

    15) Alaska conquered!  It was awesome to snowboard in Alaska this year.  Who knew I would do that???  Thanks Warren Miller for paying for part of my trip! 


    How was your year??